Does hair grow back after b12 deficiency?

If you have hair loss and you suspect that vitamin B12 deficiency may be the cause, talk to your doctor to rule out any serious underlying health problems. Vitamin B12 helps produce red blood cells that carry oxygen to the hair follicles. As a result, when vitamin B12 levels are low, hair follicles may not be able to grow new hair efficiently. This will cause hair loss.

Vitamin B12 deficiency can also cause symptoms of anemia, which is associated with low iron levels, thinning hair, and hair loss. A survey published in The British Journal of Nursing showed that out of every 1000 patients, about 30 percent of them experienced hair loss, mouth ulcers, or blurred vision. People whose hair loss is considered a thinning of the entire scalp, known as telogen effluvium, usually turn to a specialist for advice on why exactly this is happening. A common question is whether vitamin and mineral supplements can help control or even prevent hair loss.

It can take up to 4 months for each strand of head hair to appear on the scalp, depending on where it is in the hair's life cycle. Or the reasons for hair loss may be more complicated, such as undergoing chemotherapy, having an aversion to a specific drug or medical treatment, or suffering from the autoimmune condition known as alopecia or the obsessive-compulsive hair pulling disorder known as trichotillomania. Some research has shown that vitamin B deficiencies, specifically biotin, folate, niacin, riboflavin and B12, can cause hair loss. But whether it's hair loss or loss, finding strands of mane migrating to the shower drain or looking in the mirror and seeing more scalp where there used to be more hair is not only a factor of distrust, but it could be a sign that you might actually have an autoimmune disease, a hair pulling disorder, or another reason (if needed) to be angry with family members.

A stressful situation, such as losing your job, going through a divorce, or caring for a seriously ill loved one, can cause excessive hair loss. Because vitamin B12 helps produce red blood cells, having enough of this vitamin is essential for hair growth and its deficiency will cause hair loss. While the most notable impact of a vitamin B12 deficiency affects the blood, gastrointestinal system, or nervous system, having a vitamin B12 deficiency could also affect hair, including hair loss. Vitamin B12 is one such vitamin because it nourishes hair follicles through the production of oxygen-rich red blood cells, which promote healthy hair growth.

Send an instant online consultation so that one of Belgravia's hair loss specialists can diagnose your condition and recommend effective treatment, wherever you live. And yes, in many cases there are medical treatments, nutritional solutions, behavioral therapies and other options that can help solve the problem of hair loss and even encourage hair growth. Sometimes it can be as simple as not using a shampoo that is too hard on your hair or not styling your hair in a way that stretches it. Clinic hair loss specialists generally recommend appropriate formulations of high-strength minoxidil from those available at in-house pharmacies.

Lillian Holdy
Lillian Holdy

Proud internet guru. Lifelong internet aficionado. Amateur entrepreneur. Typical music evangelist. Total food maven. Passionate tv geek.

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